2007年5月28日 星期一

Effects of Technology

In this progressive society,high technology have been representative . people couldn't live without technology.The actually technological advantage is what? and it's defect is what?Deserve us to consider.
Many science and technology outcomes bring more conveniences for people's life.Also let people be able to do more matters with less time.Science and technology has already overcome distance and horary problem, drawing near the distances of whole world all .
When we open eyes everyday, want what to face is a high-tech life, we have to also let oneself progress to seem science and technology always of progress similar .
However, the technological fast progress also brings the acceleration breakage of great universe, many excrescent natural phenomenas also start taking place whole at us .This also lets us start examining at develop science and technology of remaining, whether also want under the condition of protecting the great universe, both achieve balance .

error summary report

In this progressive society,high technology have been representative . people couldn't live without technology.The actually technological advantage is what? and it's defect is what?Deserve us to consider. Many science and technology outcomes bring more conveniences for people's life.Also let people be able to do more matters with less time.Science and technology has already overcome distance and horary problem, drawing near the distances of whole world all .When we open eyes everyday, want what to face is a high-tech life, we have to also let oneself progress to seem science and technology always of progress similar . However, the technological fast progress also brings the acceleration breakage of great universe, many excrescent natural phenomenas also start taking place whole at us .This also lets us start examining at develop science and technology of remaining, whether also want under the condition of protecting the great universe, both achieve balance .

Holistic Feedback

ReportOverallSTUDENT02, on a scale of one to six, your response to this assignment was rated a 3. Your response was evaluated on the basis of how well it communicates its message considering important areas of writing including focus and meaning, content and development, organization, language use and style, and mechanics and conventions.A response that receives a score of three communicates its message to a limited degree. Typically, a response at this level has some evidence of purpose, but that may not be totally clear and/or may lack a continued focus on the main idea. While there is evidence of development, there is typically a lack of support and supporting detail. There is some evidence of organization, but with limited order and sequence of ideas present. The sentence structure shows some errors in sentence structure, with little variety and noticeable errors in usage and word choice. The response typically shows poor word choice and usage with several distracting errors in mechanical conventions such as spelling and punctuation. A more detailed analysis of your response is provided for each of the five important writing areas below. Writing Analysis Your response was also evaluated in terms of five important traits of writing, focus and meaning, content and development, organization, language use and style, and mechanics and conventions. Each of the five areas was evaluated on a scale ranging from one to six.

2007年5月14日 星期一

studio classroom May

1.Why was Operation Smile formed? Would you like to be a medical volunteer and help a child?

2.How do you think children's lives are being changed after they have surgery for cleft lips?

3.Which organization belongs to NPO in Taiwan? Can you learn from it and describe your volunteering ambition ?NPO/CO NPO:Non-profit organization.

2007年5月7日 星期一

the song that i like-"The (After) Life Of The Party"

I'm a stitch away from making it
And a scar away from falling apart, apart
Blood cells pixelate
And eyes dilate
And the full moon pills got me out on the street at night
Cut it loose
Watch you work the room
Cut it loose
Watch you work the room
Cut it loose
Watch you work the room
Cut it loose
Watch you work the room

Put love on hold,
Young Hollywood is on the other line
Her nose runs ruby red, deaths in a double bed
Singing songs that could only catch the ear of the desperate

Cut it loose
Watch you work the room
Cut it loose
Watch you work the room
Cut it loose
Watch you work the room
Cut it loose
Watch you work the room

I'm a stitch away from making it
And a scar away from falling apart, apart
Blood cells pixelate
And eyes dilate
Kiss away young thrills and kills on the mouths of all my friends

I'm a stitch away ......

ALCPT 16R 聽力

31. Bob goes to the club every friday night

32.The humidity is very high


33.This is not the right road


34. Some people like to argue all the time


35.The entire class is going on the tour


36.The students seem alittle bored with the lesson today


2007年4月23日 星期一


“A PSALM OF LIFE” that written by Henry W. Longfellow is the first poem that I read in my life . Longfellow thought people should be encouraged to face the setback and the destiny. Then , try your best to finish your life goal. We should to feel and practice our life , not to pursue brief happiness.
I think life is a show . A leading role of this show is myself . With the age grow up slowly and the matunity of the intelligence . I could understand this poem’s artistic conception . When I was a little boy , I always regard to face perplexity is a very not intelligent behavior . But when I escapism , I couldn’t let myself to became mature . Thus , I began to take account of my life . I do my best on my school work and my living days ; then I can pursue to be the best one in the community.
I regard that I’m a smooth-faced person and embrace the attitude for entertaining optimistic. My advantages are not unusual , but my shortcomings are very intolerable. When I come up against an event. I always couldn’t find crisises or problems . I couldn’t do official business according to official principles completely, but because I finding my drawbacks , therefore I could correct these bad habits instantly . What is the goal of life for me ? I think is learning the experience of failures and forwarding the abilites of myself constantly. Then to finish a life belonging to myself.

2007年2月12日 星期一

new semester

Today is the first English class of new semester.
Our english teacher comunicates a lot of new teaching ways with us.
I wish I will improve my english abilities like speaking and listening.